Charter Schools:
ARTICLE: National School Choice Week highlights progress and inequities in Denver metro area schools, in Colorado Community Media, Jan. 2025.
ARTICLE: The Roots of the Charter School Grift in Indiana, by Karen Francisco, Jan. 2025.
ARTICLE: Denver Charter School Study Is Shoddy Research, from Center for Education Policy Analysis at Colorado University, Dec. 2024.
ARTICLE: Integration Facts Are Fudged for Colorado Charter Schools, by Dr. Paula Noonan.
ARTICLE: "School Board Rejects Charter School’s Application Amidst List of Concerns" - see article on bottom of page 1, continued on page 4, Montrose Press, Dec. 14, 2024.
REPORT: Asleep at the Wheel: How the Federal Charter Schools Program Recklessly Takes Taxpayers and Students for a Ride, by NEPC (National Education Policy Center).
ARTICLE: Investigation finds Fort Collins high school failed to eliminate "racially hostile environment" - Denver Channel 7 news report.
REPORT: The Fiscal Impacts of Voucher Programs and Charter-School Growth on Public Schools, by NEPC (National Education Policy Center).
REPORT: Debunking the CREDO National Charter School Study, by NEPC (National Education Policy Center).
REPORT: A Study of Colorado Charter Schools: 2023 Edition, by Dr. Paula Noonan.
ARTICLE: Governor Polis Sides with Far-Right Groups in Opposing Charter School Accountability, by Mike DeGuire, March 2024.
OPINION COLUMN: Can charter schools survive without more accountability? Not if Republicans have their way, by Trish Zornio, in the Colorado Sun, March 2024.
ARTICLE: Colorado's P-12 Enrollment Declines While Billionaires Fund Charter Schools, by Mike DeGuire, February 2024.
ARTICLE: The Billionaire Agenda Behind the DARK MONEY in Denver School Board Race, by Mike DeGuire, January 2024.
ARTICLE: Colorado Charter Schools Need More Accountability and Transparency, by Mike DeGuire, in Colorado Newsline, January 2024.
REPORT: A Sharp Turn Right: A New Breed of Charter Schools Delivers the Conservative Agenda, by Network for Public Education, 2023.
ARTICLE: More Memphis charter schools could face closure after state’s failed turnaround effort, in Chalkbeat, 2023.
ARTICLE: How "Abbott Elementary" Takes on the Charter School Movement, in The New Yorker, 2023.
BLOG: I Am a Charter School Abolitionist, and You Should Be Too, by Steven Singer in Gadfly on the Wall, 2023.
REPORT: How Charter Schools Undermine Good Education Policymaking, by Helen Ladd at Duke University, through National Education Policy Center, 2022.