REPORT: Noonan Report on Accountability: Connecting the Dots in K-12 Public Education, a research paper documenting the inequities of the state accountability system, produced by Dr. Paula Noonan on behalf of A4PEP.
REPORT: La Raza Report: Barriers and Opportunities for Latino Students, Parents, and Staff With Denver Public Schools, January 2024.
PRESENTATION: Can You Un-Portfolio a District? Lessons From Denver Public Schools, presented at the national Network for Public Education conference, October 2023.
REPORT: Data on Turnaround Schools & Schools of Distinction, compiled by A4PEP, 2023.
ARTICLE: Pervasive Denver school segregation harms Latinos, English learners, study says, in Chalkbeat, 2023.
POSITION STATEMENT: Resegregation of Our Schools, by Manuel Solano, A4PEP Board of Directors member.
REPORT: Billionaires Exposed: The Impact of the "Portfolio Model" on Denver Public Schools, by Mike DeGuire, 2023.
​REPORT: Results of Survey on State Accountability and Testing, conducted with Colorado PTA members, March 2023.
​​REPORT: Resegregation in Denver Public Schools, funded by CLLARO (Colorado Latino Leadership, Advocacy, and Research Organization), 2023.
BLOG: Who demoralized the nation’s teachers? by Diane Ravich, 2022.
ARTICLE: Colorado’s K-12 accountability system “harming” many schools, superintendent says, in Longmont Leader, 2022.
ARTICLE: Audit of how Colorado evaluates schools and districts has officials and educators at odds over results, by CPR News.
REPORT: Educational Accountability 3.0: Beyond ESSA by the National Education Policy Center, 2023.
REPORT: An American Imperative: A New Vision of Public Schools, by AASA (American Association of School Administrators, 2021.
REPORT: Rethinking Assessment in Education: The Case for Change, by Bill Lucas with the Center for Strategic Education, 2021.