A4PEP supported this bill:
HB24-1363, Charter Schools Accountability
(the bill was defeated in the House Education Committee)
A4PEP supported this bill to increase the accountability and transparency in charter schools. See our fact sheet on the bill. Read the OPINION column that Judy Solano, our Chair, had published in the Denver Post about the bill and the op-ed about it that Paula Noonan from our Advisory Committee wrote for Colorado Politics. See our press release with quotes from some of the bill supporters. Learn why Colorado charter schools need more accountability and transparency, and read about the "dark money behind the lobbyists" opposing the bill.
A4PEP opposed these bills:
HB24-1448, New Public School Finance Formula
(the bill passed)
See A4PEP's call to action with our reasons for opposing this bill. See our message to legislators about proposed amendments we wanted - some of which passed.
SB24-088, Entity Authorizes Charter Schools Transparency
(the bill was defeated in the Senate Education Committee)
A4PEP opposed this bill because it would have put unnecessary reporting burdens on school districts, set up unfair comparisons between charter schools and district schools, and failed to provide transparency on important aspects of charter schools.
HB24-1154, Institute Charter Schools and Bonded Indebtedness
(the bill passed)
A4PEP opposes this bill because school districts should not have to take the responsibility of bonded indebtedness for schools over which they have no control; and because the Charter School Institute's unelected board has no accountability to the taxpayers that would support the bond.
2024 Actions:

Took a position to OPPOSE Amendment 80. Joined the coalition opposing Amendment 80. Attended the press conference kicking off the No on 80 campaign. Helped distribute the No on 80 flyer. Our board member Mike DeGuire wrote this op-ed and our Advisory Committee member Karen Francisco wrote this op-ed.
Sent out our September 2024 update.
Presented the Legislator of the Year Award to Lorena Garcia.
Issued a CALL TO ACTION in opposition to HB24-1448.
Made a presentation with State Board of Education member Rhonda Solis to students in the Multicultural Leadership Scholars Program at CU Boulder, about MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund) and getting involved in advocacy.
Made a presentation to the Jeffco Democratic Latino Initiative about inequities in the state accountability system, using some information from the Noonan Report.
Organized and presented testimony in favor of HB24-163.
Issued an ACTION ALERT for a rally in support of HB24-1363 on April 11, and sent out a press release about the rally.
Wrote "Accountability for Charter Schools Is Just Good Government" about HB24-1363, which appeared on the OPINION page of the Denver Post on March 22, 2024.
Sent letters to the leaders of CASB (Colorado Association of School Boards) and CASE (Colorado Associations of School Executives) about the benefits of HB24-1363.
Sent out 2024 Update #3.
Sent a message to legislators about HB24-1363, with explanations of its provisions.
Spoke about charter schools on KGNU's community radio show Connections, 88.5 FM/1390AM, 9 a.m. on Feb. 16, 2024.
Sent out 2024 Update #2.
Circulated A4PEP's Resolution on Colorado Charter School Accountability & Transparency.
Sent out first 2024 Update.